Lisa & Sean LOVE ice cream! Which makes me love them even more! So of course, we went downtown to one of the best ice cream shops in Tucson, The Hub Ice Cream Factory, in downtown Tucson to start their engagement sweetheart session. How cute is her lace blush dress?! It’s so perfect for her and she’s repurposing it to wear at her bridal shower.
Like most of my grooms, Sean did not like to have his photo taken in public with all the attention on them, so it was fun to get him to gradually get more comfortable and start enjoy taking these photos. My favorite part was seeing him watch Lisa as she loves taking pictures so much! Sean works with my husband, Cody, and will be graduating residency this year and him and Lisa will be taking off for Pennsylvania next summer. I only wish I met Lisa sooner, we have so much in common with our love for animals, joy of eating, and a passion for baking… okay fine… eating cake 😉
I am SO excited for your wedding this Spring at Hacienda del Sol when all of your family comes and visits Tucson at one of the best venues to show off the views and culture of our beautiful city!
Great photos, all of them! Wonderful couple; can’t wait to see the wedding pictures too! 🙂
[…] have been giddy every since photographing Sean and Lisa’s sweetheart session that was sweet as can be 😉 When they are together it is like the rest of the world disappears […]