Okay so I have TWO other jobs on top of photography… I do graphic and web design full-time at a biomedical testing laboratory in Lenexa, Kansas. We specialize in laboratory testing for people with chronic conditions (such as autism, fibromyalgia, mental health, etc.). I mainly design brochures and materials for conferences that we sponsor or exhibit at. This year we are hosting an Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference in September in Sedona, Arizona. I designed the website and the conference brochure:

I also do wide range of freelance graphic designs for clients all over the country.
Here is a brochure I designed this week for a chiropractor in South Carolina on the topic of childhood vaccinations. You can find out more about their story and mission at ChildhoodShots.com and BioNutritionalCare.com.

One of my good friends is a youth pastor at a church in Overland Park, Kansas. I designed a t-shirt for their youth group for a mission trip they will be taking this summer to Springfield, Missouri at The Kitchen Inc.

And one last design I recently finished is a peacock-themed wedding invitation for Keith Short and Keighsy Vitug, whose wedding I’m shooting later this summer! Can’t wait!!

Your ability to not just multi-task, but multi-career while enjoying it all is wonderful to watch you learn & grow
I love your mission shirt for “The Underground”. I am leading a trip to Russia this summer, and loved your design. Would you consider sharing it for our trip?